Om Shrim Maha
Om Shrim Maha
Lakshmiyei Svaha
Om Mani Padme Hum
OM = the seed sound for the sixth chakra, where masculine and feminine energies meet at the center of the brow.
Shrim = the seed sound of abundance. Repetition of the Shrim mantra gives one the ability to attract and maintain abundance.
Maha = “great”, denoting both quanity and quality. When we speak of the quality of abundance here, we are referring to its harmony with divine law.
Lakshmi(yei) Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of abundance and success. The Sanskrit word means the energy of abundance. This abundance can take many forms, from the physical and material, to happiness and joy.
Svaha Literally “Well Said”. Like Amen at the end of a prayer. It’s a big YES, or So Be It!
Om Mani Padme Hum
Literally means “The Jewel Is In The Lotus”. One interpretation says that the precious and most valuable element is within each of us. We are the Lotus that grows from the mud, and we house the spark of Divine source. What could be more valuable than that?
More on Om Mani Padme Hum
The Intention of the Chant
This mantra is both an invocation to Lakshmi for wealth and
prosperity, and a celebration of the energy of prosperity and abundance itself. We benefit from positive affirmations and aligning our thinking and mindset with the principles of abundance.
It’s important to understand that “wealth” includes not only monetary prosperity, but abundance and success in all areas including physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health, as well as with friendships, and family.
Om Mani Padme Hum reminds us that we all have the spark of divine source within us. Let us remember who we are and celebrate and respect ourselves and each other accordingly.
Next – Ananda Dharma