Om Vishvam Shanti Mastu
Life and Peace Unto The World
OM = Life, existence, that which is, that which encompasses each of us, past, present, future, eternity
Vishvam = the world, the universe
Shantimastu = Peace is established
This chant is a meditation on the establishment and celebration of peace unto all creation/existence. When we chant it is first for ourselves, then our community, then unto the entire universe(s?).
There is a noteworthy account of the creation (or discovery) of this chant from 2002. The webpage it came from is no longer available, but the content was copied and is represented here unedited. No copyright infringement is intended, and the information is shared to promote goodwill and good intentions among those drawn to these principles.
The following was taken from (defunct website)
Message for Universal Peace
In the year 1996, while in deep meditation, Her Holiness Sadguru Om Malati Mataji was guided by the inner voice to conduct a series of seven Sri Vishnu Yajna on the auspicious day of Vaikuntha Chaturdashi with the prime purpose of World Peace. However, with the increasing turbulence in the Natural, Social and Emotional environment of Man, an inner inspiration for performance of three more Yajnas arose. Thus a total of Ten Sri Vishnu Yajna had to be performed. Now this Yajna is performed every year in Tapovan.
On the occasion of the 7th Yajna, the 18th of November 2002, Holy Mother gave her message for Universal Peace for the benefit of the entire Mankind
Om Malati Mataji’s divine message for Universal Peace in her own words:-
There were 200 disciples sitting for meditation with me in a spiritual retreat in Jalgaon (Maharashtra State) in the year 1992. I had a vision of terrific violence, floods, and mass destruction; all of that which we are encountering today. A feeling arose that almost 30% of the total population will be washed away in this turmoil which is growing each day. The sight of all this pained me and I got into a further deeper state of consciousness. While in this state I heard a clear deep voice chanting,
This was heard thrice and a feeling arose that all must chant this mantra. After the culmination of the retreat I came back home with a heavy heart.
On my very next visit to Pune city I met a scholar in Sanskrit and asked him whether the mantra should end with mastu or astu. He explained that the word Mastu is deliberated to that ‘which is’ i.e. the Universe is already peaceful, but only us humans have created the ripples of distortions and turbulence. Since then our entire spiritual family has been chanting this mantra sincerely.
Given the current state of affairs all over in the world, this universal mantra should be chanted by all, with utmost sincerity and faith. All the mantras and other spiritual compositions which we have received from saints and sages till now, are for the well being of the world. However people do not chant them keeping the inner sense of the view. Prayers made with correct frame of mind bear the desired fruits. Hence the necessity to elucidate the right process of chanting this mantra.
Man is inherently desirous of personal happiness. So this mantra should be first chanted for One’s own self, then for the entire family, next for the locality where one stays, for the town, for the taluka, district, state, country e.g. India, next for the World and then for all pained souls in other realms (lokas) of this Universe. Thus having completed chanting this mantra 10 times now concentrate on the inner being and chant two more times. This would bring inner peace to all. All latent fears and dejections would fade away and a feeling of deep satisfaction would arise from within.|| Om Vishwam Shantimastu || (You may chant this mantra only if the deeper meaning, purpose and process of chanting this mantra are acceptable to you, else please do not perform this ritual.)
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