Atha Yoga Nushasanam
Now begins the journey of yoga.
Atha = Now
Yoga = Union
Nushasanam = Instruction, orderly arrangement, exposition
This chant is the first of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, estimated to have been written between 500BCE and 1000BCE. The ‘threads of wisdom’ that make of the Sutras embody the teachings of Yoga, which is far more encompassing than a simple idea of exercise and stretching. The Sutras are a guide to help us seek union within ourselves, and remember our union with all things.
The Sutras contain a deep treasure of wisdom, but they are not easily accessible to those young in their yoga journey. It may take years before the gems begin to be revealed. Be peaceful with the journey of adding to your wisdom and understanding along the way. But DO take the journey.
According to Sri Swami Satchidananda in his writings about the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, this first sutra states the journey of instruction is philosophy accompanied by practice. One without the other is insufficient. It sets the intention for the entire body of work.