Rtam Bhara Tatra Prajna
Nirvichara Vaisaradye
Adhyatma Prasadaha
Rtam = truth, essence
Bhara = bearing, upholding
Tatra = there, in that
Prajna = wisdom, insight
Nirvichara = beyond reflective, reflection without preconceived expectation
Vaisaradye = on attaining the utmost purity, an undisturbed pure flow
Adhyatma = inner self, spiritual self
Prasadaha = clarity, illumination, brightness
Yoga Sutras 1.47 & 1.48
From Mukunda Stiles:
(47) From skillfulness in maintaining an undisturbed flow of reflection without seed, arises illumination of the inner self.
(48) Therein dwells a luminous wisdom that upholds the essence of truth.
From Swami Satchidananda:
(47) in the purity of ‘nirvichara samadhi’ the supreme self shines
(48) This is rtambhara prajna, or the absolute true consciousness
(49) this special truth is totally different from knowledge gained by hearing, study of scripture, or inference.