Santoshat Anuttama (Bossa Nova)
Santoshat Anuttama
Sukha Labhaha
Contentment In All Things
Contentment Today While We’re On Our Way
To Have That Which We Desire
Contentment Today While We’re On Our Way
And The Lift From Our Joy Takes Us Higher
Santoshat = contentment
Anuttama = unexcelled, ultimate, supreme
Sukah = happiness, ease, comfort
Labhaha = gain
Santoshat Anuttama Sukha Labhaha = This is Yoga Sutra 2.42 and means that from an attitude of contentment (Santosha) unexcelled happiness, mental comfort, joy and satisfaction are obtained.
Being content on the journey for what each day brings in the pursuit of what you want is a wise way of living. This sutra tells us it brings happiness and joy to our lives. Let us give ourselves permission to enjoy that which is good EACH DAY even if the goal has yet to be achieved.