Why repeat something THREE times?
You may have noticed that many Oms, Shantis, and other chants and mantra are done in threes. There are a few different perspectives on this.
The First Om, Shanti, or Mantra is done for the SELF
The idea is that one must have in order to give. To have established a clear mind in order to help others find clarity. To put the oxygen mask on before helping others after the airplane cabin has depressurized. To ‘love your neighbor AS YOURSELF.”
To quote RuPaul, “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love anybody else? Can I get an AMAN up in here?”
The Second is for Family and Community
After we have established the idea within ourselves, we start to manifest it and promote it within our circle of contacts and influence.
The Third is for the World and Beyond
Our intent and focus expands to bring the ideas in these beneficial meditations to manifest in higher good for all of creation.
The Sanskrit word Shanti is frequently chanted in yoga and spiritual classes and gatherings. Shanti is the Sanskrit word for Peace. To apply this idea to three Shantis is like this:
1st Shanti – peace within the self, body, mind and spirit
2nd Shanti – peace within family and community
3rd Shanti – peace in the world, in all of creation
Another Perspective on 3 Times
- First time for Mind
- Second for Body
- Third for Spirit
And Another
- First for Material World
- Second for Spiritual/Non-Physical World
- Third for Eternity and the Omniverse
And Yet Another
- Our Human experience
- Our Death and Transition Experience
- Our re-connection with Divine Source
And My Favorite
- I do three because it feels good and I like it